Webedia Brazil has created, for the national release of the movie “Ghostbusters – Beyond”, on November 18, a special campaign in partnership with Sony Pictures
AdoroCinema has created content featuring the mysterious masked man to give hints to the audience. The content package includes publications in various formats on AdoroCinema website, which gather 10 million unique visitors, and AdoroCinema’s networks (Facebook, Instagram and TikTok), which together have more than 26 million followers.

“We had creative freedom to play around and suggest the concept of the masked influencer. The goal is to disclose the identity of of the misterious masked man and to generate buzz and engagement in the social networks about the celebrity behind the costume,” says Antoine Clauzel, director of entertainment at Webedia Brazil.
For Camila Pacheco, executive director of marketing at Sony Pictures Brasil, “Ghostbusters: Beyond is pure nostalgia, music and pop culture. A film that follows the legacy left by the originals from the 80s. Therefore, nothing more appropriate than a masked marshmallow to stir the curiosity of viewers and find out who would be the celebrity behind the mask.”